Episode 7

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After we sailed through the French Pass, we anchored at a wonderful island before sailing the last miles via Nelson to the Golden Bay. In Nelson we did a beach clean up. Besides plastic, we found something very special on the beach. With a boat filled with plastic waste we set sail to the Golden Bay, because several schools are waiting for us there.

New Zealand | Last miles to Golden Bay

  • New Zealand | Last miles to Golden Bay (S3E7)

     After we sailed through the French Pass, we anchored at a wonderful island before sailing the last miles via Nelson to the Golden Bay. In Nelson we did a beach clean up. Besides plastic, we found something very special on the beach. With a boat filled with plastic waste we set sail to the Golden Bay, because several schools are waiting for us there.
  • New Zealand | The French Pass (S3E6)

     After a few wonderful weeks in the Marlborough Sounds, we are leaving this area. Our goal is the Golden Bay, because a number of schools are waiting for us there. But to get there we have some challenges ahead of us. Including the notorious French Pass: a narrow passage where the tidal current can be up to 8 knots.
  • New Zealand | The Marlborough Sounds (S3E5)

     When we arrived in the Marlborough Sounds, we directly had to seek shelter for a storm. Gusts of 65 knots hit the boat. Thereafter it was time to explore this beautiful area. Our search for a school to visit has started!
  • 4GF – NZ | Sailing to the Cook Strait (S3E4)

     We set course on the South Island, for which we must face the infamous Cook Strait. Along the way we are surprised by the marine life.
  • 4GF – NZ | Back on the water (S3E3)

     After a year we finally go sailing again! Bibi trains her captain skills, while Niels repairs the recycling machine.
  • 4GF S3E52 – NZ | The Boatyard

     After a year of lying still, it’s time to get the boat ready. During the weeks on the site we do a number of large maintenance jobs, such as a complete repair of the mast base!
  • 4GF S2E5 – Palmerston

     At Palmerston we received a warm welcome from our host family. After a day of rough weather, we were able to visit the local school to recycle plastic with the entire population.
  • Episode 8 | Lockdown in NZ

    After we arrive in New Zealand we discover the country. We have a lot of plans. The boat needs to get out of the water for major maintenance and we have an appointment with a school in Auckland to recycle waste together. But things are different than expected. The Corona virus is spreading and the world is closing.
  • Episode 1 | Update 1

    Tjerk and Niels left the Netherlands in 2017 to sail around the world on their sailing yacht New Nexus. Their four-year adventure comes with two rules: clean up and recycle plastic waste together with local children, and they can only use energy that comes from the sun, wind and water.
  • Episode 2 | Refit of sailing yacht New Nexus

    Watch this episode to see how skippers Niels & Tjerk refit sailing yacht New Nexus. Whilst she was using gas and diesel in the past, she now is driven by wind and solarenergy.
  • Episode 3 | Sailing in Panama

    Tjerk and Niels make a stopover in Panama with their self-sufficient sailboat New Nexus. Together with friends, they discover the beautiful surroundings, organize a plastic clean-up together with the Kuna Indians and prepare for their tour of the Panama Canal.
  • Episode 4 | 50 days at sea

    Our longest crossing ever. 50 days we’ve been talking about it from Panama to the Markiezen. It was a special adventure.